Thanks Gayle. I remember him and his family very well as I watched Knocking more than once. I'm sad he wasn't able to see his son grow but at least he had a few more years added than if he hadn't had the transplant.
Lunatic Faith
JoinedPosts by Lunatic Faith
by Gayle inat least with the wts changing their ridiculous doctrine of "no organ transplants" policy, seth thomas was given a chance for additional life, wife and child.
there were at least 15 years with the wts ban on organ transplants.
how many died or had long-term unnecessary sufferings?
Watch "Dr. Phil" on Wednesday
by JimmyPage insubject of the show: "is this a cult?".
i hope they do a good job, my wife watches him every day.. hope steve hassan is a guest..
Lunatic Faith
steve2 you make some interesting points. After fighting off the stigma of being called a cult for my whole life I recently did some research on the term. I wrote about it in my blog under the title What is a Cult? I found that the word had evolved quite a bit and taken on a much more sinister application thanks to Branch Davidians and Heaven's Gate. Its application has become much broader too and though scholars would support your definition, I believe, laymen (who make up the vast majority of mankind) believe it applies to any group with relatively strange beliefs. Anyway, I included some of my references in my blog, if you are interested.
Working on this email to send to my mom bout the hypocrite Governing Body
by foolsparadise infeel free to add anything so i can add it to my email before i send it.. .
hi mom,.
everyone here is fine.
Lunatic Faith
Very well put. I hope she reads it all.
Louis L'Amour
by White Dove injust getting into his books and i'm hooked.
he was a fantastic author.
Lunatic Faith
Another good one is Sackett Brand! That's the one where Tell gets cornered and his Sackett relatives come from every corner of the U.S. practically to bail him out. I still get chills every time I read it. "Hunt one Sackett, and you hunt 'em all."
Watch "Dr. Phil" on Wednesday
by JimmyPage insubject of the show: "is this a cult?".
i hope they do a good job, my wife watches him every day.. hope steve hassan is a guest..
Lunatic Faith
According to the info on his site it is in regards to some cult out of California whose leader is named Golden Elk. I don't think Phil would attack JW's.
Black Friday Stampedes VS. District Convention Morning Gate Openings
by Mr. Falcon inhas anyone had a jw rant to them around christmas time about how "horrible" it is to be a "worldly" person at that time of year?.
certian jws love to use the infamous black friday shopping riots that tend to occur as examples to back up this argument.
now, while those incidents are indeed disgraceful, they are hardly isolated to the "world".. among my "priveliges" was to be an attendant at a few district conventions.
Lunatic Faith
Oh yes, I remember those days well. This will be my first year, since 1973 that I will miss a DC. I remember the brothers/attendants shouting, "Brothers and Sisters, please walk!" As people shoved past them. Some would give their books to their kids and tell them to run. In one of the facilities they would open the floor (elderly/disabled) an hour after they opened the main stands. I would see elderly people drop their books from the stands onto the seats on the floor.
I always enjoyed DC until I got married and went to San Fran the first time. Parking attendants would reserves three or four rows of seats for all their friends, family and/or congregation. We would get to the facilities 45 minutes before the doors open, be the first ones in the auditorium and find the first five rows all around the stadium saved already by attendants. What ever happened to the whole, "Don't save seats for anyone not traveling in your car?" I didn't see any buses outside!
It made the whole thing exhausting, and stressful. Thank God I am done with that madness!
Louis L'Amour
by White Dove injust getting into his books and i'm hooked.
he was a fantastic author.
Lunatic Faith
My whole family have read his books for decades. My hubby has the whole set. My favorites, that I have read again and again: Comstock Load, Conagher, and Cherokee Trail. Enjoy!!
Learning the "Truth" Is not true is like...................
by foolsparadise inafter 33 years of being mind controlled at 5 meetings a week, field service meetings, special day assembly, curcuit assembly,district assembly, finding out "the truth" is just a big hoax is like getting punched in the stomach-uppercut in the jaw-being kicked in the balls from behind and then having the rug ripped out from under you and smashing your head on the ground.
what was it like for everyone else?.
Lunatic Faith
I think yknot described my situation best.
I believed it wholeheartedly, my hubby kept bringing up things that really affected him and I kept making excuses. I didn't think they were a big deal. Then he told me about the Millerites, the Great Disappointment, etc. That did it. I had already spent my whole life in expectation, and now I realize there is no guarantee our time is any more special than any other. Then I realized that secular historians say Jerusalem didn't fall in 607 BCE and if we do the math, that means Jesus reign didn't happend till 1934.
Forgive me--I digress: So the first feeling was sickening dread that I had no future and no hope. That I had no guarantee of seeing my mother and father again. I realized I had an extremely cavalier attitude about my own health, "Jehovah will fix my high blood pressure!" Now I realized I needed to start taking responsibility like the rest of the world.
Once acceptance came, which it eventually did because I realized anything was better than going back into prison, I felt adrift. Like I had no focus or 'true-north'. That is what I have been feeling for a few weeks but, believe it or not, while visiting Vegas (and getting my sin on;) I actually visited a psychic. She told me things about myself and even my father who died a short time ago. What she told me comforted me and put everything in this world in perspective. I feel more in charge of my life and more optimistic about life and death.
Are you a fader, Df'd, DA'd, or Still In?
by brotherdan ini thought this would be an interesting poll that would show everyone the backgrounds of all of us when we left, if we have.. for myself, i am not df'd, but i am attempting a fade.
i still go to some meetings with the wife to help with kids, but that's it.
no commenting or field service.. what about everyone else?.
Lunatic Faith
Am in the process of fading. Hoping to continue. I would prefer to avoid being Df'd. If it came to that I would prefer to DA myself so it was a choice rather than a disciplinary action, but with the change in how such things are announced the cong. doesn't know if it's voluntary or disciplinary.
I wonder if that's not part of the reason they chose to change the policy. I remember hearing many a Df'ing and always assuming some kind of wrongdoing was involved, but there were very few DA'ings. When ever someone did that it would always make me wonder. Why would someone voluntarily leave the only true organization? Ha, now I know.
Is it possible, as time progresses, DA'ings have become more and more frequent. The rank and file might have been asking too many uncomfortable questions. Now with the announcement reduced to one simple statement no matter how the person leaves, people have no idea what happened. And it is people's tendency to believe everyone kicked out committed fornication--at least that's what I always thought.
Hmmm. Sorry if my post seems to ramble. It's after 2am and I am trying to stay awake because we have to leave for the airport in a little over two hours. We're going to Vegas, baby! I am going to gamble for the first time in my life!! Don't worry, I'm setting a limit.
by Lunatic Faith infrom the feb 15,2011 study article "gaining god's approval leads to everlasting life".
this is because jehovah.
22:29) jehovah.
Lunatic Faith
elderelite--I am not DF'd. No one knows I am even on the path that I am. I am trying to slide out unnoticed but my family has been in the area for decades and were quite well known. People in my cong are wondering (since I do not attend meetings anymore or go in service) but have written it off as emotional turmoil after the death of my father. People in other congs, like my home cong where this brother is, have no clue. They still think me the spiritual pillar I have always been. I give this brother, and his wife, massages fairly regularly.
Mr. Falcon--He was the one elder on my committe who threatened to Df me all those years ago. But I never blamed him because he was a rather neurotic elder. HOlding judgment over people never came easy to him. He stepped down after less than an year as an elder. Now, if he feels comfortable around someone, he will actually make criticize some of the societies decisions.